On 25th March 2019, the new Provincial administration took charge! The change of guard has also brought about some changes in the way the administration has been functioning. Change is the only constant reality in this world. Yesterday is gone and gone forever and tomorrows will always be tomorrows. Our past will help us to understand that change is quite necessary as it plays an important role in paving the way for a better future for an individual as well as for an organization.
The high flying acrobat in the swing top of a Circus lets go of the old bar and reaches for the new one. In that instant the acrobat’s whole being is focused. His thoughts are focused on the bar not about what he was doing yesterday, or what he plans to do tomorrow. He is committed to seize it when the timing is right and move forward.
Progress in life comes when an opportunity, a choice, a possibility to change, swings into view. To grasp the new bar we must let go of the old, swinging from one trapeze to another. Sometimes we are simply hanging on for our life, not going anywhere, and trying not to fall. Other times we are moving forward, then backwards; stuck in the swing of a cycle, making no significant progress. Yet there are also times when we look ahead in the distance, and see another trapeze bar swinging toward us. It’s empty, and we know it has our name written on it. We know that in order to move forward we have to release our grip on the present, well-known bar and move to the new unknown one.
Each time it happens we pray we won’t have to grab the new one. Each time we are afraid we will miss, that we will fall and crash against the harsh realities of life. And so for an eternity that can last a microsecond or a thousand lifetimes, we soar across a gap of uncertainty reaching for an opportunity. This gap is called a transition and it is in these gaps that life is experienced in its fullest. Even with all the struggles, fears, and feelings of being out-of-control that accompany transitions, they are incredibly rich places where we feel most alive and experience the greatest growth. It’s time to let go of that which holds us back and be prepared to trade our security for opportunity. When we do so, we will discover that life gives us endless possibilities to change.
I invite all the Brothers to take risk, let go of the old and move forward with a new vigour, focus and enthusiasm to LOVE WITH OUR HEARTS AND HANDS. Let us take a positive step to know and love our Brothers deeper and thus form communities that will make people say, “See how they love one another”. Let us be God’s enabling presence in this world by being Brothers with a difference. Let us follow the invitation of Pope Francis who told the Montfortian family to “set out to sea” with trust and with renewed missionary zeal. May God bless us all.
Bro. Varghese Mandapathil
My Dear Brothers,
On the feast of our founder I wish to thank all of you for the confidence placed in me to animate the Province for the coming three years. I need your support and cooperation together with lot of prayers to carry out this important role in the Province.
Prayerful greetings.
On the feast of our founder I wish to thank all of you for the confidence placed in me to animate the Province for the coming three years. I need your support and cooperation together with lot of prayers to carry out this important role in the Province.
Words of Gratitude:
Bro.B.A.Kurian had guided the Province in the past six years. He has stamped the Office of the Provincial with his simplicity, piety and commitment. I thank him and the members of his Council for the guidance they gave to the Province. During the past one month Bro.Kurian has helped me with lot of tips to understand the task of the Provincial better. He has meticulously organised and updated the Provincial Secretariat which makes my work easy. He will be attending a spirituality course at Mysore during the coming year. We wish him God’s blessings and good health during the period of his renewal course.
Renewal of Vows:
We had three days of Renewal seminar for the Junior Brothers from 12-14th April 2013, animated by Bro.B.A.Kurian and assisted by the Provincial. Eight of our Junior Brothers renewed their Vows on 14th April 2013. Bro.Tyngshain renewed his Vows at Jabalpur on 8th April 2013 and Bro.Issac Ashok will renew his Vows later at Bangalore.
Provincial Council Meetings:
We had the first Provincial Council meeting of the new administration on 26th &27th March 2013.This meeting focused on evaluating life and mission of the Province.
The second Provincial council meeting was held on 21st and 22nd April 2013 which took up the budgets and the formation of communities. Congratulations to all the Local Superiors and Local Bursars as the budgets of all the communities have been approved. Thanks to Bro.Michael the Provincial Bursar and the Finance commission members who made the preliminary study of the budgets to make the work of the Council easy.
First Profession 2013:
We had the First Profession of 30 Brothers from all the Provinces in India at Montfort School,Yercaud on 27th April 2013. We congratulate and welcome two of our newly Professed Brothers Daniel Rongpeit and Patrick Marak to our Province.
Happy Feast:
Today, 28 April is the Feast of our founder St. Montfort. I wish all of you dear Brothers a very happy feast and abundant blessings of God through our founder.
May St. Montfort inspire us to live our Religious commitment more meaningfully.
Bro. Binoy Meenatoor:
Bro.Binoy belonging to the Province of Ranchi served at Baghty from January 2010. I take this opportunity to thank him for being available to serve there and the people oriented developmental projects he has initiated there. I also thank Bro.P.T. George, the Provincial of Ranchi Province for sparing the services of Bro. Binoy to our Province.
Community set-up:
The Formation of Communities for the year 2013-14 was one of the main agenda of the last Provincial Council meeting. This important responsibility of the administration was gone through with utmost care in an atmosphere of prayerful discernment. I am sure all of you would accept this joyfully in a spirit of faithful obedience and availability. It is the responsibility of all the Brothers particularly the Local Superior to have a united and prayerful community.
All the Brothers on transfer should reach their community latest by 31st May 2013 after seeing to the smooth submission of all records, documents and especially the Community and School accounts to the succeeding persons.
Yours Fraternally,
(Bro M.K.Devassy).
Provincial Superior