Christian Education of youth, at the level of High School, Higher Secondary and Industrial Training Diploma or Certificate, is the privileged apostolate of the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel.

The Church has received as mandate from Christ, the Teacher and Master, the mission of teaching humanity, the way to salvation. Education is the prime and privileged field, to achieve this goal and the church fulfils this mission through the educational Apostolate, especially through efforts of numerous Congregations of men and women. In fidelity to the missionary Charism of St. Louis Marie de Montfort, the Institute sets a high value, on its favoured mission of educating the youth and the adults to faith (C90).

Our educational institutions should pursue the human formation of youth, promoting the spiritual heritage of our country, creating an atmosphere of the Gospel spirit of faith, freedom and charity. Following the footsteps of St. Louis Marie de Montfort and Gabriel Deshayee, we attach importance to the care of the disabled sections of the society. Therefore, for us, the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel, imparting Christian education is extremely important.


God Alone and hence, all for God’s glory, is the motto of our founder, St. Louis Marie de Montfort. A man fully alive, a human being achieving his God-destined wholeness, is the glory of God. To enable men and women to achieve that wholeness is the ultimate aim of our educational endeavours. The Mission of Montfort Brothers is to help the young to have a deep faith in God, grow into upright, creative and loyal citizens, imbibed with love and concern for others and to have a Christian vision of spiritual sensitivity and a sense of freedom of the children of God and commitment enlightened by the Gospel values. The young entrusted to our care should be developed into men and women who reach out others, men and women for others, with love and concern for others. We want to equip them with skills and capabilities to earn a living and to contribute to the Economic, Social, Cultural progress of the Nation.

The education that we impart should help the youth to discover paths and links that lead men and women to their fellow human beings. Education should lead them to the realization that they are stewards and not grabby owners of the goods of this world, its products and profits from them are to be shared by all and not to be amassed and possessed by a few by manipulation and exploitation. Those educated in our institutions should be light and life, salt and leaven to the lowliest, powerless, dehumanized and marginalized of this world. They should feel comfortable in the company of the poor, stand by them and lead them to realize their worth as persons.

The Montfortian Education envisages that the youth entrusted to the Brothers should develop a deeper appreciation for life, respect basic equality of sexes, a balanced view of sexuality, and respect for the human person without discrimination on the basis of nationality, colour, religion, caste and social systems. We have the vision of our pupils becoming powerful agents of social changes for improving the quality of life and emphasizing equality, fraternity, freedom, justice and peace. The Education Commission is a body of the Province to propose ways and means to achieve these goals in the Province.