The goal of General Education is to give you a broad sampling of different academic areas. This education exposes you to varied disciplines, increasing the value and breadth of your total undergraduate education. There are many courses in the General Education. This variety of courses that gives you the opportunity to your choosing. We provide general education to the school children up tp Higher Secondary level in different Institutions in the North East India.

A fresh student who joins, works in learning communities. You, your classmates, and your teachers work closely together for the entire year, which helps to ensure a rewarding experience that positions you for further academic success. As you move through the Schooling together, you can build lasting connections and friendships with your fellow students.

Educating for Personal and Social Responsibility:

Deepening Student and School Commitments will bring together teachers, student affairs personnel, academic administrators, students, and others to explore how to move education for personal and social responsibility to the institutional culture and academic practice. The education will feature promising practices that develop students’ civic engagement and social responsibility in both at the local and global context; personal and academic integrity; ability to examine and understand differing often competing perspectives; and ethical and moral reasoning.

The central premise of this education is that personal integrity and ethics cannot be developed in isolation from a commitment to and engagement with others, and that students’ ethical, civic, and moral development must be addressed as part of their basic responsibilities as learners. At a time when our nation faces ethical and civic challenges of daunting complexity, it is crucial that we return to the core commitments of personal and social responsibility inherent in education.